As creatives, we’ve noticed that seasonal shifts have a big impact on the way we approach making art. We ebb and flow through periods of high output and rest, drawing upon new images and obsessions as the world around us shifts. The weather, the amount of daylight we’re getting, and the phases of the moon all impact the energy we bring to our desks.
In 2025, we want to give ourselves a bit more time to sit with our projects before we share them. We'll release new work twice per year: once in May and once again in October. If you're interested in celebrating seasonal shifts with us this year, the best way is to buy an annual subscription. A 2025 subscription costs $30 for the year. As a subscriber, you'll receive two packages containing at least one zine and one creative prompt, plus extras.
You can subscribe for 2025 here.
You can also buy individual zines, artwork, and zine packages from previous seasons through our Big Cartel store. We appreciate the support!